Saturday, March 31, 2007
Like Cats and Dogs
Let's see how this goes.
Piggy jumped, slobbered and tugged at her leash at the sight of Dwight. Dwight dug claws deeper into Steve's back as he stared down the jaws of death.
Steve attempted to reason with Piggy while Dwight clung to his shoulder.
This noble experiment turned out as I expected. Steve should have known this would happen. Had he spent more time studying in school and less time at Taco Bell, he might have read the teachings of Aristotle who millenia ago performed this very experiment. At the end of the experiment he proclaimed his conclusions which loosely translated from the ancient Greek were "Ouch! get this damn cat off my head". Words of wisdom from the ancients. If ancient wisdom wasn't enough, just fill in the rest of this phrase: fighting like ___ and ____. I'll give you a clue. It's not Pelicans and Sheep.
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Wind? Cave?
Tough climb, nice views
I finally arrived at the Wind Cave after close to an hour. Although they call it the "wind cave" I found no cave and no wind. A rock overhang providing scant shade is all that lies at the end of the trail.
The climb down proved much easier than up, duh. I got a good workout and since the rescue helicopter wasn't dispatched, I guess no water was enough water. I also gained insight into the naming of this landmark. It's called the wind cave because people get winded looking for a cave.
Cousin Loraine's Wedding
I coaxed Dillon into a smile even though he was wearing a suit with a blue flower in the lapel.Cousin Nita flew in from Germany to attend the wedding.
Congratulations Rusty and Loraine
New Cat
Our oldest cat, Daisy, is 20 years old and has all the traits you'd expect from a cat that age. None good except for the sleeping 22 hours/day. Scruffy is 12 and as cats go, not bad to have around yet still not as good as not having a cat. I was hoping that after they lived fulfilling cat lives, they would pass peacefully, we'd have short memorial services for them in the back yard, and bury them along with their litter boxes and live out the rest of our days with unshredded furniture. With the arrival of Dwight, that cat-free day is in the far distant future. In fact, Dwight may end up burying me. He is pretty good at burying "things" in the litter box.
Sunday, March 04, 2007
Christmas Eve 2006
Inside, Haley directed Robert and Jim on dinner preparation.

Hey! does grandpa know what he's doing with that turkey?
After dinner, Santa made a special visit and delivered some presents. Why on Christmas Eve? I'll get into that another time. For now let's just say he has some scheduling issues. Since Tatum and Haley are the only kids, we have to have to share the excitement of Christmas gift opening through them. Although the electric helicopters Jay and I got were pretty cool. With wrapping paper carpeting the living room floor, everyone adjourned to the family room for a game of "Deal, or no Deal". Since Steve doesn't have TV service in Flagstaff, he didn't quite get the game which is a shame since he could have walked away that night with quite a chunk of change if he had only understood the game. Deal, or No Deal
At the end of the evening, Kim lead us in a caravan to a ritzy neighborhood to see some spectacular Christmas light displays. These were the kind of people who don't care about their carbon footprint. But then again neither did the people in the endless line of cars edging through the neighborhood to see the spectacle.